Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Well, I finally did it. I've jumped into the mire of the Internet blog. To say I'm a fish out of water would be a great understatement. I know about as much about the Internet as I do about rocket science. Nonetheless, I venture onto the great Internet highway with some trepidation but also with a lot of excitement. I do not consider myself a scholar or an intellect. In fact, I am humbled and blown away as I read the depth of many of the blogs on the internet. Many of them ar very insightful and informative. I have no grandiose belief that my blogs will be either insightful or informative. This will simply be a blog with a lot of random thoughts made by a fellow pilgrim who still struggles to live a holy life of obedience. Odds are great if you are reading this blog you have accidentally stumbled upon it or you are a member of my church. No matter how you have arrived hear, take time to read my posts.

Besides my wonderful family, and my great desire to correct my wicked slice, I have two great passions in my ministry. First, I desire to see the lost come to know Christ as Savior and Lord. Secondly, I have a great passion to see people truly know Christ. In other words, I desire to see disciples made and taught. This blog will convey much of my struggles in working with all of His energy to live worthy of my calling and pass on a little passion to others.

I am a born and bred Southern Baptist. If I die Southern Baptist is only known by the Father. More than being Southern Baptist, I consider my self a Christ follower. I'm an average preacher with a great love for Christ and people. I am a pilgrim on a journey with many other brothers and sisters in Christ. There is no doubt we will not agree on everything I post. Isn't that part of the fun with the blogs. I would love to hear from you.

Personally, I am on a spiritual journey. When I attended Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, I took a class from Dr. Donald Whitney on Spiritual Formation. I can honestly say it has changed my life. Dr. Whitney's class challenged and inspired me to a holy walk with Christ. Much of what you will read on this blog will deal with my beliefs in the importance of practicing the spiritual disciplines as a tool to help promote a lifestyle of holiness.

Have fun reading - God bless,
Greg Savage

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