Is the Rapture occurring May 21st?
Many of you have probably already heard about Harold Camping’s prediction about the Rapture occurring on May 21, 2001. I am now seeing it all over Facebook. I have actually been following this for many months thanks to the ministry of Hank Hanegraaff. Camping is not only predicting a May 21st Rapture, but he is guaranteeing our Lord’s return. He goes on to even give us the time; the rapture will occur at 6:00 pm on May 21st. The rapture will be ushered in via major worldwide earthquake. An earthquake unlike the world has ever seen. Furthermore, he further states the end of the world will occur on October 21, 2011. On this date, the earth and universe will be totally consumed and destroyed. Is the rapture occurring this week? Can we expect the earth and universe to be totally destroyed in a few months?
It is important to note, that Camping has already been proven to be a false prophet. This is not his first rapture prediction. He has previously guaranteed the rapture would occur in 1994 and no one would be saved after that date. Remember, the test of a true prophet is 100% accuracy. Deuteronomy 18:21-22 states, “ Now if you say to yourselves, ‘How can we tell that a message is not from the LORD?’ whenever a prophet speaks in my name and the prediction is not fulfilled, then I have not spoken it; the prophet has presumed to speak it, so you need not fear him.” Camping is a false prophet. Do not listen to him.
Camping has used numerology on numerous occasions to come up with his very imaginative prophecies. His May 21st day is very imaginative indeed. Here are Camping’s own words:
The best place in the Bible that focuses on 2011 is a passage in 2 Peter 3:8 where God is talking about two judgments. One judgment is the judgment of the flood of Noah's day and the other is the judgment at the end of the world. And in that context God says "Beloved, there's one thing that I do not want you to be ignorant of, and that is that a day is a thousand years, and a thousand years is a day." That's a very, very intriguing statement and it's very curious that when we—because we know that the flood occurred in 4990 BC, and if we go seven days, that is 7000 years from there, we land on the year 2011....2011 keeps shining through as the probable date for the - probable year that will end this earth's existence ( - you can also just do quick internet search – it is not hard to find his comments – although I have enjoyed Hank Hanegraaff response to Camping).
Are you serious? Do people actually believe this stuff? First of all, the Word of God does not say, “a day is a thousand years, and a thousand years is a day.” I challenge anyone to find me a verse that says that phrase. You will not find it. Secondly, there is absolutely no way of accurately dating Noah’s Flood. To have such a dogmatic date is completely bogus. Furthermore, the Word of God explains the earth and universe will not be completely destroyed and consumed but God will restore and recreate it into a “new heaven and new earth (Rev 21). We must also not forget that Matthew 24 assures us that “no one know about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven or the Son” (verse 36). I would had not even Camping knows the date.
So how should we respond to such a blatant misuse of God’s Words? First, we must test the word against the Word. You must be so familiar with God’s Word that you can spot a counterfeit from a mile away. How many of you stumbled over my comment about the 1000 years is a day comment? Look at what Camping wrote: “that a day is a thousand years, and a thousand years is a day.” If you are not familiar with the Word of God you may accept that phrase as being authentic. However, scripture says, “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day.” The one word, “Like” makes a huge difference in the meaning of the verse. The verse that Camping quotes is not in scripture. But if you did not know the Word of God, you may believe Camping and come to think that Peter was giving us a dating method.
If I were to say, “It’s raining like cats and dogs,” how many of you would go outside expecting cats and dogs to be falling from the sky? You know it is only a metaphor I was using to express how hard it was raining. Likewise, when you go to the context of this verse, you know that Peter is using a metaphor expressing the idea that time is relative to God. Time means nothing to God. Peter was not giving us a new dating device but telling us that God is not slow in keeping his promises because God is outside of time. It is interesting to note that just a few verses later Peter tells us “the day of the Lord will come like a thief.” The same Greek word for “like” is used in both verse 8 and 10 of 2 Peter 3. In both cases, Peter is using metaphorical language that is evident in context.
Not only do we need to test the word, we must also use this time as an opportunity for an open dialogue and a forum on the truths of Scripture. When May 21st comes and goes, there may be many people who believe Camping speaks for all Christians. It will open up the door to a wonderful opportunity to spread the true message of Christ and His second coming. The orthodox Christian belief that we dogmatically stand upon is Christ is coming again. We do not know when but we know He is coming. It will be a glorious day where God breaks in on history by sending His Son, eradicating evil, vindicating His people, restoring His Kingdom and ushering in the new heaven and new earth. Christians at times disagree and debate the “how” of this process but the eventual outcome is not up for debate: Jesus is coming again and He wins in the end and He wins eternally. When May 21 comes and goes, we must be ready to step in and teach the truth of the Gospel with grace. This event may actually open a wonderful opportunity for us to dialogue about the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. Look for opportunities in the coming days to expound truth to those who might be ready to listen and more open to the truth.
Finally, this reminds us of the importance of living expectantly. We must live ready for Christ’s coming at any moment. This is the thought that purifies us (1 John 3:3). We must not only live expecting Christ to return at any moment, we must also live expecting to live a long time and to have a long fruitful ministry for our Lord. These two opposing ideas are always kept in balance and under constant tension. There is a chance Jesus will come back very soon. There is also a chance we might live a long time and never personally experience the second coming. We must be living and loving while expecting both. Are you ready for His return? You don’t want to be caught off guard. Is your life making an eternal difference? When you greet our Lord, will He say, “Well done!”
It matters not when Christ returns. Are you ready today to meet Christ? His return may be this afternoon or in 30 years or 100 years. We simply do not know. But we must live every moment in obedience to God; we must love Him wholly and only and seek to glorify Him in all we do. Don’t worry about dates – you may meet Christ on your return home today. Are you ready? By the way, I have a great sermon on knowing and doing the will of God. I am fairly confident I will be able to deliver my sermon on Sunday, May 22nd. See you then.
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